JIM FETZER, Ph.D, former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founded (with Mike Palecek) of moonrockbooks.com. Jim began serious research on JFK in 1992 and published three collections of expert studies that cracked the cover-up, especially by exposing how much of the “official evidence” presented by The Warren Commission was fabricated, altered or faked.

A leading expert on the assassination of our 35th President relates some of the most devastating evidence that Oswald was framed to conceal a powerful conspiracy from the American people. Background: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., a former Marine Corps officer and retired professor of philosophy, has pioneered collaborative research on JFK since 1992 with the best qualified experts to ever study the case. His books include ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998), MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX (2003), and JFK: WHO, HOW AND WHY (2017).

He founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth in late 2005 and, since his retirement in 2006, has devoted himself to bringing together experts to examine the politically controversial events of our time. While editor of Moon Rock Books, six of the twelve volumes published, on Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland and (even) the moon landing, have been banned by amazon.com. Jim’s websites include his blog, jameshfetzer.org, and https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jim_fetzer. He hosts “The Raw Deal” on Revolution.Radio M/W/F and has been taking Sandy Hook to the courts in Wisconsin and (even) to SCOTUS.

Z PANEL: Examining the Zapruder Film

Dr. Fetzer will prsent Researcher DAVID MANTIK'S PowerPoint presentation he delievered on the Zapruder Film at a recent conference entitled The Great Zaruder Film Hoax.

David W. Mantik received his doctorate in physics from the University of Wisconsin and was a member on the physics faculty (as assistant professor) at the university before leaving for medical school. He completed his internship and residency in radiation oncology at LAC/USC Medical Center in Los Angeles.

He has also completed fellowships in physics at the University of Illinois and in biophysics at Stanford University, and a junior faculty clinical fellowship with the American Cancer Society.

Mantik has carried out extensive research into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This includes detailed studies of Kennedy autopsy X-rays and the Zapruder Film. In 1993 Mantik disclosed that after examining the autopsy X-rays at the National Archives they had been altered and "that there were 2 shots which struck the head, and that the magic bullet is anatomically impossible".

Mantik, along with Robert Livingston, Charles Crenshaw, Ronald F. White and Jack White, contributed to Assassination Science (edited by James H. Fetzer). Mantik also contributed Paradoxes of the The Medical Evidence Decoded, The Zapruder Film Controversy and The Silence of the Historian to Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) and The Dealey Plaza Home Movies to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003).